Picture this : you make plans with someone you like to meet up for coffee say Tuesday evening. They actually give you their last word that they will show up. In your mind you even choose what you will wear then, because well, appearances and impressions!


1 PM. You’re there having lunch all excited that you’re actually going to have a chance and sit down with your person. You’re extremely careful not to spill food on your clothes. ( Am I the only one who does this?) In your head you are just imagining this bomb ass convo you’re going to have with them. You just can’t wait.

5 PM. You were supposed to meet at 4 and they’re still not here. You wonder whether they got caught up in traffic or what. You tell yourself if they weren’t coming, they’d let you know in advance BC they’re grown ass human beings.

6 PM. Frustrated in a mat going home.You’re scrolling through your old chats with your person to see if you said something that offended them. Nothing! Every thing is just fine. There wondering ‘man, am I this terrible?’

Sad, right? 

Well, I have been meaning to write consistently since the year began. Third month already in and well, only 3 posts. In my head I have these scenes and stories that in my view would make great stories. Getting anxious in the middle of chores wondering when am going to sit down and actually write.

Wait till I sit down🙆. Words fail me and I stare at a blank page with only a blinking cursor. I flip through my notebook full of writing prompts and ideas I have stockpiled but nothing feels right. I check my stats but they’re not motivating either. Man, it’s the most frustrating thing I have encountered this year and it sucks…I wouldn’t wish it on anyone really.

You ask people how they deal with writer’s block and they tell you take a walk. Aje sasa? I wish they could tell me something more practical, like “have this pill-  I  have been using it for like 6 months now and its really effective. Once you take it you just can’t stop writing.” How cool could that be?😅

Anyway, maybe writing about it might make things better and make my creative juices start flowing again . Just maybe.

20 responses to “WRITER’S BLOCK”

  1. Hehee….Nyambu aki I wish there was such a pill…lol! I have had 15 drafts on my blog… Halfway through a piece I think naah this is not it….but drafts like this help..write even if you feel like it’s not really a great piece…write the ideas down… When you’re free go through them…you might find the inspiration to finish one…Read through your old pieces sometimes it helps. Oh and Solitude… Spending some time alone from friends and stuff…works for me sometimes. We shall overcome…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Nyambu you still find courage to check your stats? Haha, I don’t do that thing cause, well, I fear death. You see, people die in mysterious ways. You could be held up in traffic from tao then from nowhere, just because you have tunukiwa data bundles, your left brain will pat you on the shoulder and say, “Ah, Nyambu, instead of letting these mbs expire, si you check your stats on your blog?” To which your right part of the brain will reply “by the way.”

    So you will log onto your blog and be met with /by ‘your last post has received 30 views’ and you will think of the much effort you put into writing that article and do you know what will happen? You will collapse in that mat. Then we will start guessing the possible causes of what happened to you, not knowing it was just caused by WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aki Achman😂😂…stats motivate me. Every time I look at them am like damn, “you know there’s a time you’d write and get all those people to read your work. You got to get back to writing like RN!”
      Thanks for passing by☺

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  3. My country people 😂😂😂😌😌😌i don’t know whether to be sad or mad about this writers block ‘thing’. I just posted my latest story after weeks of drafting blah blah… Deleting posts and brainstorming what to put down. It’s a disorder aki. We need them pills….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve always wondered why someone can’t just call and let you know they won’t make it to a meeting. I can perfectly relate to this. I can say perfectionism could be partly responsible for writers block. I mean we all have those drafts either in our heads or written down which for some reason we are afraid to unleash

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This can be very annoying. I mean, I have lots of drafts and idea jottings but then hit a blank when it’s time to develop fully. Or I finish a post but it doesn’t feel right. My mind just runs all over the place and nothing seems good enough. Other times, it just flows. Maybe it’s the pressure to always deliver a banging post. You’ll be fine though. I’ve learnt to calm myself and just pour out the clutter in my head and tweak later, and not feel too guilty when I can’t post that week. It’s better than writing random nonsense.
    Meanwhile, a civil person would have called or texted to cancel the outing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • First of all, thank you for stopping by and taking time to read it😊.
      I guess am getting back on track small small.
      I guess every writer experiences writer’s block at some point and I came to understand it’s perfectly normal and you shouldn’t feel pressured at all- it will just make you feel worse.

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